
Hash password according to salt

It's a D version of the standard crypt(3) function

It's recommended that salt be generated using one of the provided genSalt() functions. (E.g., SHA512Crypt.genSalt())

Overloads are provided that allow writing to a given output range, or using a pre-parsed salt string (see passwd.util.cryptSplit()), or optionally only writing the encoded digest (without the salt). Most users won't need them.

Note: crypt(3) allows algorithms to sanitise the salt string, so the output isn't guaranteed to be the input salt string concatenated with the encoded digest, unless the salt string was generated correctly by (for example) the provided genSalt() functions.


const salt = SHA512Crypt.genSalt();
// Result looks something like "$6$/CrouvED7qMJ/IbD"
auto crypted = "hunter2".crypt(salt);
// Result looks something like "$6$/CrouvED7qMJ/IbD$w2auDz2o61BBLowCbYbO.AIsM5XxSPME3PW2b7P.3qamDP5v4aSwyBPLDKolI/rBjTTGDIhUfUsszNv/DOy0B."

// crypt(3)ed passwords can be erased from memory after use if you are paranoid
import std.algorithm.searching : all;
assert (crypted.all!"a == 0");
